
The Four Agreements Vs Christianity

Ruiz calls it “personal importance.” The concept looks at the idea that we see ourselves as the center of the universe. Especially unconsciously. People think that everything that happens revolves around them, it`s about us. But nothing others do really revolves around us. This is true for personal insults. Ruiz recommends staying away from the need to be right or win the argument. Our convictions are “our convictions”. Our beliefs are chords we have chosen to perceive reality — our lenses. This is not to say that our beliefs are correct in one way or another. Avoid an argument by not trying too hard to convince others that your perspective or view of reality is the right version. Brain Mason writes: But what should be a Christian`s reaction to this book? Tell us Brian. What should be my reaction to the Four Accords – What I should believe, what I should read, observe, write, say ????? You are selfish and narcissistic because you project your own revelations onto others and say that what you think should be “the answer.” I`m sad because it`s arrogant and selfish and you`re using the Bible to argue something that probably doesn`t even interest God in reality.

I eliminated the four agreements with God and He revealed to me that I should pass this knowledge on to other people, because some people are in other places where they receive the teaching, and the four agreements are based on love and not on all the nonsense you say. Magic hahahahahaHaHa Are you in the Old Testament Bud!! Because Jesus came to accomplish this with the New Testament…. In short, Brian. I love you, brother, but you don`t need to be cut off and dry with your belief systems for it to hold you back in life – What God wants you to live abundantly!! Anyone can use Don Miguel`s book and make life so much better there – it`s much more convenient than the Bible with other wisdom – including Shone it – Loving to love it and using it to make stronger what you already know. You feel like an experienced guy — I`m not — but I know how to love — keep it up. Don`t be simplistic – because you`re going to discourage Christians. Dude I`m good at writing or arguing, all I know is how I feel and what God tells me, and I feel like God is telling me to stop trying to defend His Word and be more affectionate in the way you treat it. PEace and Love Bro..

Finally, the last of Ruiz`s agreements should reassure the minds of those who spend their time worrying about being perfect. In the Christian faith, the Apostle Paul reminds his successors that it is far more important to do their best than to be constantly compared to their fellow men. The fourth agreement relieves the pressure to always be blameless and makes it acceptable for us, as human beings, to have our mistakes as long as we try to be the best thing we can do. Don Miguel Ruiz`s “The Four Agreements” was released in 1997 and was on the New York Times bestseller list for seven years. He encouraged people to lead more fulfilling lives with four general guidelines, in order to avoid unnecessary worry and suffering. These “agreements” can be linked to the Christian faith by studying the Ten Commandments and the lessons of the Bible. Ruiz encourages us to get used to these four agreements. Make it a goal and realize that it will take a lot of effort on our side. He admits that there will be times when we do not live according to the four agreements. Learn and be honest with yourself through the process. Start again in these moments, do not accuse or judge.

We need to know that failure is part of transformation, and if you experience agreements through practice and failure, it becomes easier. If you fall, you will reopen. The solution after Ruiz is the four agreements. Create our own new and capable agreements, based on how this world actually works. This creates a new reality in which we can live. So that`s where Ruiz`s four chords come into play. .

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