Xerox Technology Agreement
TOKYO, November 5, 2020 – Fuji Xerox announces that its Asia-Pacific operations will move to the Fujifilm brand in April 2021, with the name change of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. to FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp. This amendment is based on the Company`s decision to terminate the technology agreement with Xerox Corporation on the expiry date of the agreement, March 31, 2021. The technology agreement provides for technology/brand licenses and distribution areas for each company. “This strategic partnership will allow us to focus on providing innovative and safe technology solutions to government authorities,” said Martin Bachant, President of Xerox Canada Ltd. “From coast to coast, federal departments and agencies will have access to technology for mobile workers, always connected, and will benefit from the ability to design a custom-managed printing solution.” To purchase or renew a service contract, add deliveries or learn about our unique service features, call 1-866-382-4865. The company also announced that it is linking the technology to Xerox. In a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday afternoon, Xerox said Fuji Xerox would allow the Xerox brand to continue until two years after the agreement expires “for a $100,000,000 royalty.” Fujifilm`s 58-year partnership with Xerox, which allows the Japanese filmmaker to sell the U.S. photocopier company`s technology and use the Xerox brand in Asia, will end in March 2021. Despite the termination of the technology contract, Fuji Xerox stated that its product supply agreement with Xerox was maintained. Avoid problems before they happen and quickly solve problems with our advanced diagnostic technology, including our global knowledge exchange database – a powerful database with innovative solutions and advice that all of our support and service agents can easily access.
Fuji Xerox will also provide maintenance services and services, including manague printing services, to customers in the midst of current agreements with them, regardless of the expiry of the technology agreement with Xerox Corporation. The impact of this decision on their Asia-Pacific subsidiaries has been uncovered, with each agreeing to the name change. From the end of the agreement, Fuji Xerox Australia will be renamed Fujifilm Business Innovation Australia. Fuji Xerox New Zealand will be Fujifilm Business Innovation New Zealand. Trust you to choose the best possible service to support your investment in Xerox technology. More productivity for your business. Maximum operating time and quick reaction means your employees spend less time on waiting time and more time working. “Xerox has left the Fujifilm joint venture, Xerox has essentially mortgaged its future for a short-term cash injection,” HP wrote in a public letter. “We are concerned that the exit has left a significant strategic hole in Xerox`s portfolio. In addition, we are concerned about the state of Xerox`s technology resources, the research and development pipeline, future product programs and capacity and supply capacity.
Finally, we see that Xerox needs access to the fastest growing Asia-Pacific region. The company also announced that it would not renew its technology contract with Xerox, which expires on March 31, 2021. The agreement provides access to the family of business printers ® compatible WITH the ® CONNECTKEY®® and AltaLink®. Xerox has worked with the Green Electronics Council, a world-leading environmental label for the information technology industry, to ensure that devices meet stringent efficiency standards. In addition to the United States and Canada, Xerox is the only supplier of EPEAT-certified printers in 11 European countries. TOKYO, January 6, 2020 – Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. has decided to terminate the technology agreement with Xerox Corporation on the expiry date of the agreement on March 31, 2021, and has informed Xerox Corporation of its decision.
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